GISS Forum 2019, Shanghai, China

Published On: July 17th, 2019

The 2nd International GISS Technology Forum Held in Shanghai, China on July 15-16, 2019

After 16 years of development, the benefits of the GISS slurry casting process are now being recognized in the industry. Live tests at casting operations in Asia and Europe have demonstrated GISS Technology’s success in reducing porosity and the number of rejected parts, extending die life, and reducing energy and lubricant use.

Looking to the future, GISS Technology promises to transform die casting applications in automotive, telecommunications, and consumer electronics, offering the opportunity to create lighter products with the same strength and better surface finish.

At GISSCO, we believe we are at an inflection point for the industry, and the adoption of GISS Technology will increase exponentially over the next few years. Given this potential, GISSCO Company Limited and JusQ (Beijing) Casting Technology Consulting Company Limited co-organized a meeting of die casting leaders from around the world to discuss the success of GISS Technology and share ideas about its future potential. For the second year, the meeting was held in Shanghai on July 15-16, 2019.

This meeting highlighted:

  • Several successful GISS use cases and some of their results.
  • Jessada Wannasin, founder of GISSCO, gave an update on the state-of-the-art of GISS Technology, including the GISS Casting System, die casting of 6063 alloy, and anodized die casting.
  • Representatives from the automotive and consumer products industries discussed their experiences testing GISS applications.
  • A plant tour to view GISS Technology in action.

The next GISS Forum (3rd GISS F